Can you count to three? That’s how many weeks you have left before Black Friday / Cyber Monday explodes onto the scene. This we have some helpful advice about Shopify apps, new marketing tips, and a bunch of fun stuff for your reading pleasure.
Here are this week’s top stories.
1. Just In Time for the Holidays — Google Plays Hardball
Did you see that article we shared about two months ago where we noted that Amazon’s biggest revenue growth segment was advertising? Well, The Dark Lords at Alphabet-Google have decided to push back. They just revised and updated the Google Shopping experience in noticeable, meaningful ways. A lot of our customers advertise there, so check it out.
Read about the new Google Shopping.
Side note: remember that in this internet age of disruption, no one is safe from competition — not Google, not Amazon … nobody.
2. To Shop, Or Not to Shop … That Is the Question?
I almost second-guessed myself on including this article. But here’s the deal … We need to know about Black Friday deals for three reasons:
To understand competitive pricing on things we might sell.
To evaluate the text, images, and layout to learn about successful promotions.
Because in the end … we’re shoppers too and we want to know the deals.
Cnet has a list of the best deals so far. Apply as you see fit.
3. You Can't Say “Fundamentals” Without Saying Fun!
Most of the “eCommerce Marketing” advice articles out there are either pure crap or have copied content. But every once in a while we find someone that did a good job and we want to recognize it.
Read “Fundamentals of eCommerce Marketing for 2020” by PracticalEcommerce.
4. It’s Like They’re Reading My Mind — Top Shopify Apps for BFCM
We saw this blog post from the content folks at Shopify and when we took a deeper look it was like they were recommending our personal list. We’ve been recommending most of these for years — including Privy, Referral Candy, Bold Discounts, and Back In Stock lead their list as well as ours.
Read the entire app list on the Shopify Blog.
5. Would You Really Buy Your Porsche Online?
Porsche is rolling out a pilot program to allow customers – you know, average folks like you and me – to purchase their performance Porsche online. So, let’s see … if I take my PayPal balance, add in my frequent flyer miles, and apply for a loan I MIGHT be able to get a set of those nifty Porsche floor mats. But the point is that eCommerce is still devastating and disrupting.
Well then … looks like I put another wonder-email of awesomeness in the “win” column.