eCommerce Strategy Call
eCommerce Strategy Call
Your eCommerce Strategy Call Includes
TaskHusky has more than 14,000 customers — and we have helped them all. We’ve seen what works and what doesn’t work. We know what needs to be done first vs what can wait until you have time. We have a deep and meaningful understanding of eCommerce Best Practices. The eCommerce Strategy Call is where you get access to all of it.
This is our most popular go-to-market service. We will send you a brief questionnaire so that we can prepare and then schedule a private, one-on-one video conference between you and a member of our senior team where you can discuss anything and everything. We can talk about your plans, discuss specific challenges, strategize marketing and SEO, even review your entire site. Your 1-hour session will be recorded to a video so that you can even go back and re-watch it again or fast-forward to something you want to review.
eCommerce Strategy Call Requirements
- Answer the questionnaire.
- Provide a link to your existing eCommerce site (if applicable).
- Come prepared with your questions.
- Arrive at your online call on-time with a good internet connection.
- Timely email-ticket responses to preparation questions from the eCommerce Strategy team.
eCommerce Strategy Call FAQs
Q: What can we discuss on my eCommerce Strategy call?A: Absolutely anything, so long as it is related to a single eCommerce site. If you want to talk about a second or different site you should schedule a separate eCommerce Strategy Call.
Q: Can I schedule an eCommerce Strategy call even if I have not built of launched my site yet?A: Yes. In fact, that is common. Many online merchants want to get off on the right foot without making and big mistakes up-front. The eCommerce Strategy Call is a great way to do that.
Q: What if I need more than an hour?A: Easy-peasy … schedule a second call. This happens all the time. Whenever you need advice or to discuss your ideas and plans with an expert just schedule a call. We love helping entrepreneurs like you.